Harry Smith Silver

18kt Gold Lilly of the Valley Bowl by Harry Smith

18kt Gold Lilly of the Valley Bowl by Harry Smith

This was hand made in the U.S. inspired by a Faberge.The cup is carved jade with real pearls set in 18kt gold 1"long
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Harry Smith Silver
3 Dolphin Silver w/Lapis Candlestick by Harry Smith

3 Dolphin Silver w/Lapis Candlestick by Harry Smith

Silver 3 dolphin candlestick w/ raised tails holding a precious stone handmade by Harry Smith,limited edition of 75 pieces
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Harry Smith Silver
3 light Sterling Silver Candelabrum by Harry Smith

3 light Sterling Silver Candelabrum by Harry Smith

This was handmade by Harry Smith 1 1/2"tall
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Harry Smith Silver
3-Light Circular French Candelabra by Harry Smith

3-Light Circular French Candelabra by Harry Smith

This was hand made in the U.S.,1 3/8"tall
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Harry Smith Silver
5-Light Candleabra by Harry Smith

5-Light Candleabra by Harry Smith

This was hand made in the U.S.,1 5/8"tall
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Harry Smith Silver
6 Light Candelabrum by Harry Smith

6 Light Candelabrum by Harry Smith

This was hand made in the U.S.,1 5/8"tall
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Harry Smith Silver
Acorn & Oak Leaf Tureen Sterling Silver by Harry Smith

Acorn & Oak Leaf Tureen Sterling Silver by Harry Smith

This was handmade by Harry Smith limited edition of 75 pieces 1 1/4"long
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Harry Smith Silver
Basket by Harry Smith

Basket by Harry Smith

This was hand made in the U.S.,1 1/16"long
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Harry Smith Silver
Blanket Chest by Harry Smith *estate*

Blanket Chest by Harry Smith *estate*

This was hand made in the U.S.,3 3/4"long
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Harry Smith Silver

lux by norton madl